The older gas appliances had multiple individual gas jets, often with their own aeration. All of those either had to be replaced when being converted, or the whole gas train may have been upgraded to a more adaptable box style burner. These had only a single injector per burner, easily swopped over on conversion.
Most conversions for common appliances were in kit form, easily fitted by the retrained, non gas industry workforce. My old business partner was a charge hand on conversion, and having a gas background was usually tasked with converting the uncommon, known as ad hoc conversions, as he made up the conversion from the piles of bits in the van.
Some cookers water heaters and fires could not be converted, those lucky souls got a replacement refurbished, or even new appliance.
I was running a heating service department from 1972 and we just caught the end of conversion, by which time they generally knew what they were doing. Boilers were frequently supplied in the wrong gas by builders merchants. I’m sure they did it just to cause mayhem.