Smiffy,the flower class corvette was a really good kit,I built one many moons ago,my father allso served on one, HMS Daffodil ,he allways said"the *****things would roll on wet grass"never quite understood the meaning of that?.
I see you made model aircraft as a rabbit in the yard,my rabbit was making Napoleonic cannons,had a chap in the effluent treatment plant turned up beautiful brass barrels for me,allways good quality wood laying about for gun carriages and wheels,specifically when the ward room was being refitted on the nuks,refference the control column the Canopus pub,had it was offered at auction of flying memrobelea many moons ago,along with some artifacts of Sir Alan Chobham,one being a photograph of the"winkle"I think a story was told of a pilot landing it and then being found dead by the tender crew.