Travel and Transport > Railways

OFFDN sign on platform.

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John Walker:
Thanks for the replies.  I'm being a bit thick here.  This one is on a straight platform with clear views along the track in both directions.

By main signal does that mean the signal that allows/prevents the train leaving the station?  Also, what is meant by the platform starter.

This is all new to me.

And a good guess it is too MartinR. Exactly it’s purpose, as a repeater of the state of the platform starter.

I'd guess John that it is a repeater for the main signal which will either be ON DN or OFFDN so that station staff/guards can see on a curved platform.  Just a guess though.

John Walker:
OFFDN sign on platform.  I've noticed this large sign when waiting for trains.  Can anyone enlighten me as to what it means.  I'm guessing the DN might mean Down Line but not sure about the OFF part.


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