Author Topic: St. Catherine House, Aldwych !  (Read 4503 times)

Offline mmitch

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Re: St. Catherine House, Aldwych !
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2021, 09:30:34 AM »
In pre internet days I went to St. Catherine house. It was just like the scene from 'The Day of the Jackal' Elbowing a space on a table with heavy record books. But then walking down to the Churchill War Rooms which had recently opened to find I had the place to myself!

Offline castle261

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Re: St. Catherine House, Aldwych !
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2021, 04:58:55 AM »
It is almost here - on January 6th 2022 - the  Ancestry Records of 1921 will be available. THE RECORDS ARE FREE.
In - Findmypast - some information will have to be paid for. ( THE WAY YOU LOOK UP THE INFORMATION )
Look up your past relatives - ANY SKELETONS - IN Y-O-U-R CUPBOARD !
The records are held in KEW now - West London.

Offline castle261

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St. Catherine House, Aldwych !
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2021, 11:57:43 PM »
When I visited London, one of my tasks was to visit the Aldwyth for St. Catherine House.
I was armed with a notebook & pencil, entering, I made my way to the `BOOKS `.
 The `house` was crowded, every time I used the place. Still, with a little knowledge, I
elbowed my way to the BOOKS. Looking over the peoples shoulder`s, I saw what I wanted.
I had to wait until I could get near enough to `grab`one. eventually my chance came, I
swooped grabbed it, now to find enough space, to put, it down on the sloping surface,
their version of a table, again I waited, then I grabbed my space, I was in. Notebook &
pencil taking notes, Armed with the brass bound heavy book, I went to put t back, on the
shelf. This went on & on, back & forth, until I had all the information, I needed. Next, down-
stairs, to the birth`s & death department,  I gave my order, both birth & death certificates,
the the man behind the counter. He re-peated the order, I said `yes`. `That will be £ ------.
by post in a week`. I left happy, until the NEXT time.