Author Topic: Chatham High Street, lost shops and pubs  (Read 3572 times)

Offline MedwayDan

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Re: Chatham High Street, lost shops and pubs
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2024, 10:31:33 AM »
That pub list is a game-changer thank you

I will go through it and mark my own maps what buildings used to be what pub. I'm just looking at the William Hill bookies. I think I remember it being the Woolwich building society but it clearly used to be a pub. Chatham must have been buzzing when the navy and dockyard were in full flow

Offline Smiffy

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Re: Chatham High Street, lost shops and pubs
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2024, 01:26:39 PM »
I'm not sure who occupied the site of Waterstones immediately beforehand, but it was once occupied by a men's outfitters, John Colliers, (The window to watch!) and before that by "The Fifty Shilling Tailors."

Offline Smiffy

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Re: Chatham High Street, lost shops and pubs
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2024, 01:14:57 PM »
That's a great site if you're interested in Pub history, I've helped Paul out on a few occasions myself with old photo's I've managed to track down. Click on "PUB LIST" and you'll find most of the pubs, photographs, and also a lot of the history connected with them.

Offline NickH

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Re: Chatham High Street, lost shops and pubs
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2024, 10:13:43 AM »
Hi MedwayDan,

This might help jog your memory.........

Offline MedwayDan

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Chatham High Street, lost shops and pubs
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2024, 08:44:40 PM »
Hi all, my first post here.

My work has taken me back to Chatham and me and my colleagues are in the high street most mornings for a coffee and chat about how the day is going to go, plan etc. Anyway. As the only Chatham native I'm often asked "what used to be there?" Or "I bet that building used to be a pub". Now I'm ok and I mean ok in terms of my memory, not great but do get flashes of recollection from time to time such as where the chequered flag pub used to be but can't pinpoint which shop now occupies its space, or that Olympus sport was near where Waterstones is now but can't recall what shop is now in that unit. So the biggies are

1) Does anyone know what shops occupy the spaces sadly vacated by pubs and what the pubs were called

2) what was the name of the sports shop on Luton Road where the world food place is now

3) What used to be where Waterstones is now

Thank you all, please accept my apologies is someone has previously asked these very questions.