Author Topic: WW2 - Ended this day in 1945 !  (Read 5577 times)

Offline mmitch

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Re: WW2 - Ended this day in 1945 !
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2023, 09:19:20 AM »
There certainly was a street party here, I went to it although I was only 6 weeks old!
When we had a reunion 50 years later I was remembered as the youngest one there!

Offline castle261

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Re: WW2 - Ended in 1945 !
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2023, 01:38:41 PM »
Slip of the quill pen - I must have been thinking of May the 8th - VE Day, (a thousand pardons - if you please)

Offline MartinR

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Re: WW2 - Ended this day in 1945 !
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2023, 03:43:45 PM »
The whole business of the ending of the War was a complex and long drawn out process, but nothing particularly notable seems to have happened on 8 August:


30 April: Hitler commits suicide
7 May: German Military surrender signed at SHAEF, Reims.
8 May: German National surrender signed at Karlshort, Berlin.
26 July: Potsdam Declaration tells Japan to surrender.
6 August: Hiroshima
9 August: Nagasaki.  USSR enters the war.
10 August: Japanese Emperor tells Foreign Ministry to notify the Allies of Japan's intention to surrender unconditionally, provided the Emperor remains in place.
11 August: Allies agree.
14 August: VJ day.  Allies announce the surrender and the Emperor informs his people.
2 September: Official surrender ceremony.


10 February: Paris Peace Conference ends, peace treaties signed between the Allies and Axis, excluding Germany.


End of state of war with Germany declared by many allies.


Most other allies declared an end to the state of war with Germany.
8 September: Treaty of San Francisco signed.

28 April: Treaty of San Francisc comes into effect ending the war with Japan.


Soviet Union declares an end to the state of war with Germany.


The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany was signed.  Unified Germany recognised and provision made for all occupying forces to withdraw.

Offline grandarog

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Re: WW2 - Ended this day in 1945 !
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2023, 12:50:15 PM »
      America's Enola Gay B29 Heavy Bomber, dropped the A Bomb on Hiroshima on the 6th August.
      Russia declared war on Japan on the 8th August.
      A second  A Bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on the 9th Of August.
      Japan signed unconditional Surrender on 14 August.
I am told the war in the Far East after VE Day was considered the forgotten War.
     I don't think there were any celebration Parties in the UK.

     I too remember VE Day but I think it was in May not August.
     Mum dressed me in red White and Blue and we walked around the Village and then the town to an Aunties house. I carried a big Union Flag on a stick over my shoulder and blew a whistle every so often.
     There was a big Village fete and Party to celebrate a few weeks later with games for us kids.I was lucky as when Mum took me to visit her Sister in Headcorn a few days later they were having their celebration party with tables along the street in front of the War memorial so I had 2 Parties .
I don't remember any more Parties when the War ended officially in September.

Offline castle261

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WW2 - Ended this day in 1945 !
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2023, 11:51:07 AM »
What a day that was ! we were all ready for it - with all the bunting ready to hang out - across the street. Mothers & fathers were busy
Mothers preparing the food - Dad`s busy with the bunting & electric cables - to light up the street after dark - Tables were brought out
then chairs - Table cloths were next then food began to appear - all wrapped up in tea cloths - (no cling film in those days ) plates were
followed next by bottle`s of Pop - triffle & jelly - Music was found & plugged into the sound system - later the children were asked to sit
down - as the Mother`s  & fathers served them - The lights were switched on then it got dark & the children were tired - then taken to
their beds - the Adult`s then took over - dancing in the street - Much later - we paired off - as some of us had girl friends.
A GREAT DAY was had - by all .............