Author Topic: Canon's Gate Caponier,Dover Castle.  (Read 4711 times)

Offline TowerWill

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Canon's Gate Caponier,Dover Castle.
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2021, 03:00:29 PM »
This was when troops were stationed in Dover Castle.To reach the site our little gang used the tunnel from Shoulder Of Mutton Battery to Dover Castle's moat.This tunnel's entrance in the moat was not far from the cliff edge.No sentries could be seen so we dashed along the footpath at the bottom of the moat to the doorway into Canon's Gate Caponier.Inside we could see a doorway into the moat on the other side and a dilapidated upper floor.It was also dry and dusty inside.Eventually we found there were two sets of spiral staircases leading up into Dover Castle.One from each floor and both with stout locked doors.Peering through a crack we could see the road leading up from Canon's Gate.As we could go no further we had to return back down the stairs and into the moat.