Author Topic: Fort Amherst, Chatham  (Read 15268 times)

Offline Smiffy

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Re: Fort Amherst
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2019, 06:49:48 PM »
Hi Local Hiker,

As far as I know that bridge has never been used since it was built seven years ago, apart from some rare guided visits. It makes you wonder why they bothered in the first place, apart from giving the Royal Engineers something to do. Once the new work is completed perhaps it will finally be opened to the public, that is unless it's now deemed to be in an unsafe condition.

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Re: Fort Amherst
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2019, 05:54:18 PM »
Smiffy, I do not know if the bridge will be opened as part of the opening of the Spur Battery this month.
However, when I was there last month, the footbridge gate from the tennis courts was still locked.
I have to say that the fairly new, unused bridge looked in a bit of a state of disrepair, with buckling evident in the hand rails and sides.
I wish that I had taken a photo. Now that the KHF seems up and running again, I need to capture such observations in future.

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Re: Fort Amherst
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2019, 05:39:05 PM »
Any idea if the footbridge leading to the Spur battery near the tennis pavilion will finally be opened?

Offline Local Hiker

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Re: Fort Amherst
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2019, 01:09:48 PM »
The "lower car park" to which I refer is the fort's car park by the cafe.
There are no car parks as such at the higher levels.
There is an entrance in the north east corner, off Maxwell Road. There is street parking in that area, although the area closest to the entrance is a "residents only" area. I think the signage is a "recommendation" rather than an enforceable restriction. You would need to confirm for yourself, especially if you have the benefit of a blue badge.
There is also street parking in the "Sally Port Gardens" military estate. The Kings Bastion road has access onto the Lines just by the War Memorial, and thus access to the southern entrance into the upper fort.
There is also access from Kings Bastion road to Maxwell Road through the military tennis courts, an area that is easily missed but quite interesting in itself.

Offline MartinR

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Re: Fort Amherst
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2019, 11:06:10 AM »
Thanks.  You mention the "lower car park", is there an upper one, and would it be more accessible?

Offline Local Hiker

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Re: Fort Amherst
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2019, 10:48:08 AM »
MartinR, the the upper, outer levels that are part of the Great Lines Heritage Park, are accessible.
There are good cinder tracks, and slopes rather than steps.
The main slope from the lower car park up to the top is fairly steep: I do not know how the torque of a scooter would cope.
Some of the nooks and crannies to explore have a few steps, but no distance from the main paths, so if you can walk short distances, it should all be accessible for you.
The cinder paths go out to the War Memorial, so that is also accessible on a scooter, then on out over the Great Lines too.
There are plenty of benches and some picnic tables to rest on.
I think you would manage as long as the scooter copes with the main slope.

Offline MartinR

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Re: Fort Amherst
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2019, 08:02:58 AM »
Realistically, how accessible is the fort these days for a mobility scooter?  I can walk short distances.


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Re: Fort Amherst
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2019, 07:43:04 AM »

Hi Local Hiker,
The official opening is on the 19th September this will then allow access to the Barrier road area previously used as storage, and the the area known as the unrestored A lot of work has been done to open up this area of the fort for use. A lot of brickwork repairs have been done to consolidate the walls in various areas the sunkan courtyard has now been turned into a amphitheatre which can be used for all sorts of things from concerts etc to plays. New pathways have also been installed as well the tenile area will be used for allotments by various groups although some areas still look untidy I was impressed byt the amount of work that has been done by the builders and the fort staff.

Offline Local Hiker

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Fort Amherst, Chatham
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2019, 10:03:59 PM »
The Spur Battery at Fort Amherst should be opening in September.
 The overground site was closed when I visited on August 16th, to facilitate a crane lifting large items onto the Spur Battery that would not fit through the access tunnel.
 I spoke to a Fort Amherst Facebook moderator to query the site closure. The information was given by the helpful person who answered me.
 I have followed the Facebook page to get up-to-date information on developments at the fort.