During my brief G.P.O. career( General Post Office ) as a Telegram Boy, I had the occasion to go
into The Fleet Mail Office with some telegrams. ` Not this one son, he`s in the Tunnel `.
It was addressed to a commander. I asked ` where is the tunnel `.
He directed me to behind the ` Nelson Block `. I walk in this brightly lit tunnel approached the
first desk `telegram for Commander ------- `. That`s me ` he said, read the message, `any reply `
I asked, `No ` he replied. That`s why, I know there is or was a tunnel there.
The usual TIP for a telegram boy was either threepence or sixpence, in 1941.
I should have said the `Fleet Mail Office `was on the south west corner of No 2 basin.
It was also called the `Central Offices `. The building is still there.