And now for something completely different.......
Tonford Manor is a large 18th Century house, built within and added to the ruins of a 15th Century fortified Manor House, located near the banks of the Stour, just outside Canterbury. The house and it's site has an interesting history.
The ruins now visible, which form the north front of the original building were built in the 15th Century. The building was one of two storeys and was built using stone rubble, flints and red brick, with a hipped tiled roof. The current house has roof made of chestnut with hammerbeam trusses it incorporates tudor stone fireplaces.
The Manor was the property and residence of a family which took their name from it, the de Tonfords. John de Tonford had the Manor towards the end of the reign of King Henry III (1207 - 1272). His descendent, also John de Tonford lived there during the reign of King Edward III (1327 - 1377). He passed the Manor to Sir Thomas Fogge, who in turn passed it to his son, also Thomas, who died there in 1376 and was buried in Canterbury Cathedral. By 1422, it had passed to the Browne family and in 1448, Sir Thomas Browne, Comptroller and Treasurer of the King's household, was granted a license to fortify the Manor.
"Grant, of special grace, to Thomas Browne, king's squire, that he may make a ditch (fossare) and enclose with walls of stone and mortar, crenellate and provide with battlements his manors of Tonge, Egethorne, Tonford, Kyngesnoth, and Bettisworth cos. Kent and Surrey, and make of them towers and fortresses, and so hold them to them to him and his heirs; grant also that he may inclose 1,000 acres or less of his demense lands in each of the said manors, and hold the same as parks to him and his heirs; and that he and his heirs may have free warren in all their demense lands and lands thereto belonging:
grant also to the said Thomas that he and his heirs, shall have in each of the said manors, view of frank-pledge of all their men, tenants and residents, with all that belongs thereto; notwithstanding that there is here no express mention etc."The house passed though various noble families and later in the 15th Century, King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon stayed there for three days.
Some pictures I took of the ruins while working in the grounds and just outside: