Anyone else here ever drink at the 'Bridge' up the Tideway in Rochester? It was built around 1956 from memory and my dad drunk there (and many other pubs when he was fit which wasn't often) and I started my boozing career there when I was around 16 ....
The Landlord as they were known then, was Arthur Toyer who used to run the Red Lion down at Star hill before it was demolished. His wife's name was Connie and their son was Craig, more commonly known as Tom Toyer.

He was a haemophiliac.
I worked there for a short period after finishing my apprenticeship at Blaw Knox but had to give up as I was working long hours on a shutdown job at the paper mills at Gravesend.
I believe it's long gone now but wondered if any others had memories of the pub as it used to be quite a good place for a drink way back then.