I've seen more dragonflies this year. I even had one fly into the cab of my lorry in the week. It got shooed out with a piece of paper. I've driven through many swarms of flying ants this year on my travels around the south east of England. My wife and I were away in our caravan seeing the in-laws in Cambridge when a swarm of bees flew over.
As far as Climate Change is concerned, there's no doubt that it's happening. I am no Climate Change denier, but I do not think human activity is the sole cause. It may be contributing to it, but it is by no means the sole cause. Historically, the planet's climate goes in cycles. Those cycles also run in cycles, cycles within cycles within cycles. As a planet, Earth is heading into what is known as an Interglacial Period. That transition will not end for several tens of thousands of years. At the end of that transition, only Antarctica will be permanently frozen. The last Ice Age has not yet ended, it is still in the process of ending and is a long way from being over.
2,000 years ago, when the Romans came to Britain, the climate was warmer and sea levels were higher. About 400 years later, the climate was cooling and that cooling and the resulting climate changes, along with instability at the center of the Roman Empire led to it's partial collapse. Fast Forward 1,000 years and Britain was in the grip of the "Little Ice Age", when the River Thames at London Bridge would freeze hard enough to hold a fair on the frozen river. Fast forward another 400 years and we are where we are.
That stated, I personally am fully behind efforts to transition to clean power generation. We are in the third decade of the 21st Century and in this day and age with the technology available to us, there is no excuse for pumping billions of tons of pollution into the air every year.