I seem to spend a lot of time on memories these days, mostly because the girls don't love me any more....

But going back to driving and passing the test etc., I failed my first attempt from the centre on New Road Chatham.
I told the examiner it didn't matter as I always drove everywhere on my own and he gave me a ticking off as it was against the law which of course I knew anyway.
I had a blue Ford Consul with my tools in the back and drove all over the country doing various jobs and never got stopped once by the police although I was followed on numerous occasions.
Anyway, I drank heaps in the old Bridge Wardens on the Tideway when Arthur Toyer and Connie ran it, and another drinker in there was a bloke named Stan and he was a Sergeant of Traffic. Stan lived right across the road from the pub and knew just about everything we all got up to especially us yobs and was known as a bit of a stickler for road safety.
An older bloke who also drank there, name long forgotten, bought his first car at about 55 - 60 years old so him and "Mum" could go for days out down the coast etc.
Stan nicked him for driving without a licence and no qualified driver with him. The old bloke (much younger than I am now.... ) protested vigorously and said to Stan "There's a youngster in the pub has been driving around for months with L plates on, why don't you give him a ticket?"
Stan's answer was great and the old bloke told me afterwards moaning about it .... "Because he can drive and you can't". Stan took me aside not long after and gave me a good telling off but I still never got a ticket and continued on my merry way for nearly a year before passing the test.
