Military History > Castles, Forts and other fortified places

Fort Amherst, Chatham

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Did it harm the structure?  Was it illegal?  If not then why shouldn't Amherst pocket the cash.  If it's 48 second spoof of Knight Rider that is on YouTube, then it's a bit tasteless but hardly illegal.

Bill Jones:
I just seen that a naughty film called Tight Rider was filmed in the underground tunnels a few ago and Amherst was paid £1200 to use them, that seems to be a bad way of raising money//? I will not put a link to the naughty film but it is bad lol. I am very suprised that a history site like a fort like this would accept such money to raise funds.

Local Hiker:
Dave Smith, that is the Pentagon complex, shops and offices and a redundant bus station.
Did somebody say "hideous carbuncle"?
Sadly, it does dominate the southerly views from the fort.

Dave Smith:
As you say, Stuart, Can someone enlighten me as to the red tower block on pic.6 please?

Brilliant pics. It's easy to forget just how impressive the Fort is. I'd certainly hate to have been a French soldier trying to get in if it had come to it.


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