Author Topic: Chetney Marsh, Iwade TS2 Heavy Gun Site  (Read 5064 times)

Offline grandarog

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Chetney Marsh, Iwade TS2 Heavy Gun Site
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2021, 03:27:29 PM »
Chetney Marsh, Iwade TS2 (Thames South 2) Heavy Gun Site.
The gun site was established by February 1940, and was equipped with Radar and armed with four 4.5 inch guns during 1942. The site was updated in 1944 with a further four 5.25 inch Guns in four new positions to the north. In January 1946 the battery was selected to form part of the reduced, post-war layout known as the `Nucleus Force' until the end of the Cold War . It has since been smothered by a couple of race tracks which were heavily used for banger racing during 70/80’s .Today there are a lot of industry units on the site..
 The site is infamous for having allegedly shot down Amy Johnson over the Thames when she failed to show the correct id colour,s when challenged.The ground shook for miles around whenever the guns opened up.  and shrapnel rained down over a vast area.

Photos are from Google earth 1960 and 2020.
The site was listed as Scheduled Monument no 1020389 on 11-Feb-2002.