Emergency Services > Kent Fire Brigade related stuff

`The Cut `

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I think I remember the siren, wasn't it opposite the railway station on top of a telegraph pole? Perhaps I'm not remembering correctly, but that's what pops into my head.

I only remember it as a part time station during `1941-- 1945 `maybe there was one fireman,
to open up the station, maybe one of the A.F.S. fireman who lived near, had a key ?

Invicta Alec:
Was this station permanently manned? I'm sure I remember as a kid a couple of blokes dashing down the bottom of Ordnance Street and running past the railway station on their way to duty, summoned by the siren? Would have been 1957 approx.


The former N.F.S. station, later A.F.S. station in `The  Cut `under the New Road bridge at Chatham,
has been transformed in to a cafe. My next door neighbour, was a part time fireman there, during
the 1939 war.


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