Author Topic: Featherstones Memories Project - 351 High Street Rochester  (Read 4394 times)

Offline Natasha Steer

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Re: Featherstones Memories Project - 351 High Street Rochester
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2022, 06:10:59 PM »
@castle261 I am afraid I was also told the scaffolding was coming down last week. I am only involved in community engagement relating to heritage and not the development side at all I am afraid. Definitely worth complaining to Medway Council. I really do hope everything is removed soon.

Offline castle261

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Re: Featherstones Memories Project - 351 High Street Rochester
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2022, 03:21:19 PM »
Thank you Stuart - I thought I would give Natasha Steer -  a chance to answer - first - then the council.
I dont use facebook.

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Re: Featherstones Memories Project - 351 High Street Rochester
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2022, 07:24:29 AM »
Castle261, have you complained to Medway Council about this? This kind of long-term streetworks has to have a permit from the Highways Authority. If the works are making the street or footpath unsafe in any way, the Council has the power to order them to make the necessary changes.
"I did not say the French would not come, I said they will not come by sea" - Admiral Sir John Jervis, 1st Earl St Vincent.

Offline castle261

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Re: Featherstones Memories Project - 351 High Street Rochester
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2022, 04:04:42 AM »
We are now into April / May & the footpath is still CLOSED - On the shutter it says ` work completed
on the outside` - until later in the year. As I observe through the open shutter door - only a few
staging poles are in the footpath. I would suggest the door be moved - to over the footpath - another
cut the Rochester end, the staging `Can` be moved into the courtyard & secured with chains.
Then we can have a few months - of not dodging the fast traffic - Crossing the road FOUR times -
is MORE RISKY than walking along past the shutter - I Hope to see an improvement soon

Offline Lyn L

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Re: Featherstones Memories Project - 351 High Street Rochester
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2022, 08:46:27 PM »
Nice to see the photo of the gates.
I worked in that building when it was the carpet dept back in 1975 . Only went upstairs on one occasion and was shown the chapel. We moved from Borstal that year and I was allowed to have use of the big van and driver to move to present address. Didn't stay much longer after that though, what do they say " New home, new baby "
Mr Ellender was the manager and my immediate manager was Muriel  ( how can I have forgotten her surname ?)
Lovely bunch of people I worked with .

Offline castle261

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Re: Featherstones Memories Project - 351 High Street Rochester
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2022, 07:30:28 PM »
Thank you for your reply Natasha - well - I shall wait until the gate`s are open. ( Not - the Pearly ones )

Offline Natasha Steer

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Re: Featherstones Memories Project - 351 High Street Rochester
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2022, 02:05:42 PM »
The gates of Featherstones, courtesy of Christopher Featherstone.

Offline Natasha Steer

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Re: Featherstones Memories Project - 351 High Street Rochester
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2022, 02:00:29 PM »
I agree castle261 the orange fencing/hoarding does make walking along the already slim pavement and into the road unsafe, they are hoping to take away the hoarding in March and reveal the new gates fingers crossed. This won't stick out into the pavement like it originally used to hundred years ago, but will be set further back. I will post a photo of how far it used to stick out. It really is annoying and I hope your access for your walk is improved asap - you are not alone in complaining about this access issue along the pavement while the work takes place.

Offline castle261

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Re: Featherstones Memories Project - 351 High Street Rochester
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2022, 12:26:05 PM »
I live in the area & walk ( or did walk ) along to Rochester bridge - but the virus has shortened my walk - to a
short walk to the rail bridge. That used to be fine - until shutters went up - closing the foot path. That means
 I either have to cross a very busy road ( no crossings ) then cross back again after - to view the river Medway.
for the river traffic. For a man of 95 this year - would it be possible to move a few car parking places - to allow
for the shutters to be places in the road - allowing me and others access to the pavement. the alternitive -is to repave & place new railing in position - first - then re- open. I dont prefer to walk towards Chatham - thank you.

Offline Natasha Steer

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Re: Featherstones Memories Project - 351 High Street Rochester
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2022, 10:05:20 PM »
Before the scaffolding...

Offline Natasha Steer

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Re: Featherstones Memories Project - 351 High Street Rochester
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2022, 10:01:55 PM »

Offline Natasha Steer

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Featherstones Memories Project - 351 High Street Rochester
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2022, 08:27:20 PM »
Hi forum members! I am a long term follower here and I would like to introduce the 'Featherstones memories project' that myself and George Atzev from Future Chatham are running. We are specifically concentrating on 351 Chatham House at the moment and we want to hear your memories of Featherstones and see any items or photos you have please! This is part of the High Street Heritage Action Zone project, as Chatham House is thankfully being restored due to a grant through this project.

See more at

This building has an interesting history having been built in the 1700s for the Hulkes brewers family. It was known as Brewers mansion locally and in the family for many years. It was taken over by John Featherstone in around 1909 with the shop front being added in 1936. The store was 'Everything for the home' with the addition of a toy store in the actual house. The Featherstones system meant that people could buy items on interest free credit, which was very rare at this point in history. So you could furnish your home and have something other than 'black out curtains' post World War 2 in an affordable way. I have a few photos here that I have collected, please post any others you have and also any memories you have of Featherstones. Look forward to hearing from you!