Industry > Water Supply and Sewage

Water Supply and Sewage?

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My sister lived on a small private development in Kent that had a (private) sewage system with a pump.It was below the main road system. For 5 years she tried to find out who supplied the electricity but all  companies denied it was them! Suddenly one of them woke up and tried to send in a bill for about 7 years worth. But in the end they paid about 1/2 as there was a limit! It was all taken over by Southern Water when the Government made it law about three years ago.

Mike Gunnill:
I moved into a new house and for years paid the standing request from Southern Water.  There is a section where you pay for the water that goes down your street drains. I can't remember the exact wording.  I then found out my street drains are soak-aways and I shouldn't have paid this percent of my account.  They "gladly" refunded that percent I had paid. Might be worth checking.

And it got another virgin forum off and running

Mike   ;)


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