Emergency Services > Kent Fire Brigade related stuff

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--- Quote from: Smiffy on October 10, 2019, 12:21:47 AM ---I think I remember the siren, wasn't it opposite the railway station on top of a telegraph pole? Perhaps I'm not remembering correctly, but that's what pops into my head.

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Oh I remember the siren calling in the firemen after all not many had phones in their houses in those days and the siren worked well as it was loud enough to be heard by local firemen.

Yes, there was two red fire engines based there. If the fire station was manned by the N.F.S.
It would have a man or two on either, day watch, or night watch.

Near the kiosk and advertising hoarding is exactly were I remember the siren being, thanks for the confirmation. My Mother lived in Rochester street for a while, as did my Aunt.
I'm sure I read something recently about an old cannon barrel being found under the floor of the fire station while they were doing some building work.

Invicta Alec:

--- Quote from: snodlandmalc on October 10, 2019, 03:51:07 AM ---The siren was down near the railway station somewhere Smiffy,I thought it was near the tobacconist kiosk.

We lived in Rochester Street in the 60's/70's and two of our neighbours were firemen, that I thought were based there permanently.They had bell's fitted in their houses which summoned them...............

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I think you are right about there being two engines there. Can't have been a lot of room inside which maybe supports your recollection of no pole and maybe only a tiny mezzanine floor. I'm wondering whether only one or two firemen were stationed there permanently and if the "shout" warranted it then others were indeed summoned by the siren or by bells in their houses.
Its over sixty years ago, but my money would be on the siren being on a pole by the kiosk.


The siren was down near the railway station somewhere Smiffy,I thought it was near the tobacconist kiosk.

We lived in Rochester Street in the 60's/70's and two of our neighbours were firemen, that I thought were based there permanently.They had bell's fitted in their houses which summoned them,the nearest one lived over the road from us and we would hear it ringing in our house ! they would roar off down the road in his car and then we would hear the siren start to sound.
I was given a quick tour round there when I was about eleven,so its a bit hazy,but I thought there were two fire engines in there.I remember being disappointed that they didnt have a pole,I think there was a narrow flight of stone steps against the side wall that must have gone up to a mezzanine floor but I cannot remember anything about that part.


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