If you follow the general direction of the hammerhead road to the left, you will notice a very straight line, which is the old tramway that served the cement & lime works at the SE of Halling.
In the mid 70s my girlfriend, now long suffering wife, kept her horse in some rather makeshift stables up that track. We would walk the horse and a companion, usually a shetland called Captain Pugwash (Puggy) down the track and across the road to some grazing between the A228 and the cement works. I got the Shetland, just like walking a grumpy dog - think Thelwell!
There was a farm house, Whittings Farm, set back slightly from the road on the west side. This was a victim of the building of the new road and for some time one of my Service Engineers rented it cheaply as the future was not rosy.
The old maps at nls maps, look under Snodland, the 25inch show the detail of the extensive tramway and works sidings.