When the yard closed I worked for Watts charity,as handy man,lovly job ,really good boss (lady) full title ,Clerk to the Trustees ,Watts owned large parts of Chatham and Rochester in there day,remember the "Black &white milk bar"the old Labour exchange building plus most of Medway street ,all owned by the charity,Thay had property in Maidstone,and yalding ,Fantfarm,.
A number of houses in Watts Avn Rochester ,The six poor travelers ,Rochester High street ,even had property in London, much of it came to the charity when it absorbed other charities,.
At one time Watts had a nursing section,that looked after the poor,long since gone,even today Thay still pay pensions,allso provided aprentiships,to local boys ,own a number of buildings in and around Rochester providing rent free acomadation to selected persons,the publicl baths on the esplanade Rochester (long since gone ) allso contributed to the cost of a sailing training ship Churchill.dream job,but nothing lasts forever .